
Borderlands Tweaks Here are tweaks I've come across and created that might help people with 'deconsolizing' Borderlands. I'm going to assume you all know where the location of these INI files are (Usually in USER NAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config in Vista). These tweaks were tested with the retail DVD version by the poster of the forums thread. I have tested the steam version. Please back up your INI files before trying these, there have been reports of lost key bindings after doing so.

I don't really feel like formatting this for wiki code. As I don't play borderlands anymore. Found a html on my server during some housecleaning.



Here are tweaks I've come across and created that might help people with 'deconsolizing' Borderlands. I'm going to assume you all know where the location of these INI files are (Usually in USER NAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config in Vista).
These tweaks were tested with the retail DVD version in mind, unfortunately I have not tested these with the Steam version, and am unable to.
Please back up your INI files before trying these, there have been reports of lost key bindings after doing so.
*NOTE: This forum sometimes inserts erroneous spaces within lines, verify that there aren't any when you copy and paste lines and/or use them to modify your own.
Originally Posted by Goofball View Post
The Steam version still uses the "USER NAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Config" path. You just have to launch the game at least once and save your config by doing something like changing your screen resolution to create all of the files.
Originally Posted by Nogard View Post
Before pasting code for keybindings - OR - If pasting keybindings disables your controls
When pasting code below the "WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput" section, it is important to paste it BELOW all the other bindings that are there. There should be a massive wall of text with all your key bindings. HOWEVER - This does not show up by default, and therefore pasting your code in the empty area breaks all your bindings.
The fix to this is simple: Open Borderlands, go to the Options, and change a control (any key binding). Close Borderlands and check the "WillowInput.ini" file again, you should now see the MASSIVE wall of text with all the bindings. Place your code underneath that wall of text.
UPDATE: Obli's awesome Borderlands PC Configuration Editor does a majority of the following tweaks for you within a neatly contained app. Follow the link to learn more:


To disable the startup movies

Within WillowEngine.ini:
and comment out lines like so:
If that doesn't work, replace the // with ; or #


Disable story intro, bus credits sequence, and "guardian angel" intro videos (courtesy of Rehevkor)

Originally Posted by Rehevkor View Post
1. Locate your Borderlands install directory
2. Go to borderlands\WillowGame\Movies
3. Rename Prelude.bik to Prelude.bik_
4. Rename Attract.bik to Attract.bik_
5. Rename VoG_Transition_Movie.bik to VoG_Transition_Movie.bik_
When you create a new character, you'll go directly to the character selection part. After you choose a character, you'll go directly to meeting claptrap. This makes rolling a new character much quicker.


To disable ALL movies

This can be done in order to skip the prologue when starting a new game. However, this is a drastic measure since it apparently kills all movies! Cutscenes, loading screens, etc. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Within your shortcut for Borderlands, right-click -> properties. Within the shortcut line, add this parameter AFTER the link to your Borderlands exe file:
C:\Program Files\Borderlands\binaries\Borderlands.exe -nomoviestartup


To adjust FOV (Field of View)

Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Below the chunk of bindings, add the following:
Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 90",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="F11",Command="FOV 110",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
You can change the keys (F10 and F11) to whatever you'd like, as well as the FOV values.
TIP: It's being reported that the FOV gets reset whenever you sprint in an online game. As a workaround, you can add the FOV command to one of your movement keys, like I have. Example - my MoveForward binding looks like this (my forward key is E):
Bindings=(Name="E",Command="MoveForward | Axis aGas Speed=+1.0 | FOV 96",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigge r=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgno reShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)


To disable mouse smoothing

Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "bEnableMouseSmoothing" and you should come across the following line:
Change to FALSE. This tremendously improves the feel of the mouse when looking around in-game and navigating the UI.


To disable/adjust weapon view bob

Within WillowGame.ini:
Search for "bWeaponBob" and you should come across the following lines:
Edit accordingly. They should be pretty self explanatory. I can confirm the Bob numerical adjustment does work.


To enable VSync

Within WillowEngine.ini:
Search for "UseVsync" and you should come across the following line:
Change to TRUE.


To disable voice chat

Within WillowEngine.ini:
Search for "bHasVoiceEnabled" and you should come across the following line:
Change to FALSE.


To enable console

*NOTE: This currently doesn't work correctly, it outputs all commands as 'SAY' commands*
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for "ConsoleKey" and you should come across the following line:
Add 'Tilde' after the equal sign to enable the console (should look like ConsoleKey=Tilde)


Enable Drop Weapon Key

Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Within that section, search for "ThrowWeapon". By default, it's bound to "Underscore" - I changed mine to V, so it looks like:
Bindings=(Name="V",Command="ThrowWeapon",Control=F alse,Shift=False,Alt=False)


To make zoom a toggle (courtesy of Miker)

*NOTE: This has been reported to break turret fire while in a vehicle, as well as Brick's right click punch*
Within WillowInput.ini:
Add the text below under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]
Bindings=(Name="ZoomIn",Command="StartAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton ZoomOut",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftT rigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="ZoomOut",Command="StopAltFire | setbind RightMouseButton ZoomIn",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTr igger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,b IgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Then, edit the preexisting RightMouseButton binding to reflect the change:
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="advance dbutton bAdvancedButtonAux5",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt =False,LeftTrigger= False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnore Shift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="ZoomIn" ,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger= False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnore Shift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)


To make crouch momentary (instead of toggle, courtesy of siberx)

Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for the following line under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]:
advancedbutton bAdvancedButtonAux1 | SwitchSeats
and change to
Duck | SwitchSeats
You can remove the SwitchSeats variable if you do not wish to have the key switch seats as well.
If this doesn't work, make sure this line exists under [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput], otherwise add it:
Bindings=(Name="Duck",Command="Button bDuck | Axis aUp Speed=-1.0 AbsoluteAxis=100",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=Fa lse,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCt rl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

To enable scroll wheel in text boxes

*NOTE: This seems to only work within the Player Mission Log window (default key is L), and not the Mission window (when you receive missions from NPCs)*
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for all instances of the following (there should only be two instances):
remove the ",ModifierKeyFlags=42" so they look like:


To make jumping feel less "floaty"

*NOTE: This does affect Multiplayer games - the gravity setting of the server host affects all players*
Within WillowGame.ini:
Search for [Engine.WorldInfo] and look for the following line:
and change to
If this doesn't work, try making the changes within DefaultGame.ini located in your Borderlands install folder (Borderlands\WillowGame\Config)


Third Person Camera (courtesy of [BoX]SteroidFreud)

*NOTE: This has been confirmed to not work online.*
Original Post:
Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Below the chunk of bindings, add the following:
Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="Camera ThirdPerson",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="Camera FirstPerson",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
F3 goes into third person, F4 switches back to first person. As such, you can swap out the keys (F3 and F4) to the keys of your liking.


Fix for hidden weapon bonus stats (courtesy of The_Shadow)

Original Post:
Apparently, the large font used in the UI makes it impossible to see all of the stats applied to weapons within the game. 4 lines of stats are visible, but the actual number of stats can exceed the number of lines. As such, here is a way to shrink the text:
1. Go to where Borderlands is installed and navigate to the following directory:
2. Find the gd_globals.INT file and *BACK IT UP*.
3. Open the gd_globals.INT file with Notepad and find the following line:
AttributePresentationTranslation="$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$"
4. Replace it with:
AttributePresentationTranslation=<font size="14">$NUMBER$ $CONSTRAINT$ $DESCRIPTION$</font>
(You can modify the font size to your liking, however, size 14 does well to show up to 5 lines, which is the current hardcoded limit.)
5. Save and exit.


To view your FPS (frames per second)

Within WillowInput.ini:
Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Below the chunk of bindings, add the following:
Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="stat fps",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigger=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Hitting F12 will show you a readout for your current FPS. It also displays your ping in MS, but I'm unsure if it is accurate.


  1. Robbed completely from (Last access October 27th, 2009)

Published on 2014-07-27 03:34:35.